Wayne and Judie's Adventures from Singapore

"Nothing so liberalises a man and expands the kindly instincts that nature put in him as travel and contact with many kind of people," so said American writer Mark Twain. And 'tis true, as the tales inside these pages testify - friendly natives in a foreign land do leave an indelible mark in the heart.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

At Work in Singapore

This past month has been a long one at work. No holidays, no long weekends, and now it's time to write reports.
That means it's Wayne's time to procrastinate. So with no garage to clean, making another posting here should delay his report writing just a little longer. They're not due until the end of the week anyway.

The following photos should give you a brief glimpse into our world of work here in Singapore.

Every morning around 7:20, we head to the bus stop to catch a bus to work. We walk downhill in the morning and it takes us about 7 minutes. Coming home at the end of the day takes about 17 minutes to get back up the same hill.

After dodging 4 lanes of traffic to cross to the bus stop, our wait for the bus is sometimes longer than the ride to school.

But once the bus arrives, we're there in about 10 minutes.

Most mornings, the first group to arrive in the library are the 2 and 3 year olds. They are always so excited to see Mr. G.

They love the stories and are usually very attentive.

But of course, there are always a few!

After a group story, they choose their books to take back to class. They like to spend some time reading (or hearing) them before leaving. Everyone crowds around to show their book. Some wait patiently, others give up.

They really are a fun bunch!

We also enjoy working with the older students who can work more independently.

But sometimes, even they need Mrs. G's assistance with a project.

The library is open at lunch time for those students who wish to come into the air conditioned library to read.

The pink couch is a favorite place to sit and read.

Teachers also bring their classes in to work cooperatively on various units.

It amazes us that the Grade 2's are able to handle a research project about people who have made important contributions to our society.

In the afternoons, Wayne works with his special education students.

It may not be his favorite part of the job, but his students seem to be happy.

For the last 6 weeks as an extra curricular activity after school, we have boarded the bus with a group of Grade 1's to go ice skating at the only arena in Singapore.

Although a good part of our time was spent tying skate laces...

...we did manage to get on the ice to assist with the skating.

We even managed the art of ice dancing on figure skates.

Right now, it's monsoon season, and almost every day just around bus time, the sky opens up and it pours.

Within 10 minutes, this is what our playground can look like.

And on days when the rain comes a little later, we're always glad to return home even if we are totally soaked.

This is the end to another day in the life of two retirees!



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