Wayne and Judie's Adventures from Singapore

"Nothing so liberalises a man and expands the kindly instincts that nature put in him as travel and contact with many kind of people," so said American writer Mark Twain. And 'tis true, as the tales inside these pages testify - friendly natives in a foreign land do leave an indelible mark in the heart.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Weekend in Krabi - Mar. 24-25

(Click to enlarge photos.)

We decided to take advantage of a cheap flight to Krabi, Thailand on the weekend of March 24-25. At $19.95 each way on Tiger Airways, we couldn't resist.

The beach was beautiful and uncrowded. Had there been some lounge chairs and umbrellas, perhaps there would have been more people.

We chose to stay at a lovely little boutique hotel called The Cliff on Ao Nang beach.

Most unique was our outdoor bathroom with its copper basin.

Judie enjoyed watching the hummingbirds as she brushed her teeth.

We were surprised to find breakfast waiting for us each morning on our patio.

Saturday afternoon we took the speedboat over to Railey Beach where some friends were staying.

We didn't want this weekend to end!

Don't you wish you were here, too?



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